
The New Facebook Infused Steam Community

Yep, these folks are now in our Steam.
So I haven't posted much in some time, owning to the fact that I cared little for what was happening over at this year's E3 and that as a gamer I had become stuck in a rut regarding looking for new forms of entertainment. I was even thinking of writing a blog post where I play around with the new Team Fortress 2 replay editor (I'll probably still do one, since that replay editor is pretty neat.)

Now, I restart my Steam as I usually do to check for updates for my client and games, when a notice pops up stating that the Steam Community service Valve maintains now has Facebook integration. I thought this was rather neat, so I did it.

Update news for profile linkage.

Upcoming topics I'll be talking about -- the new MTG summer product, Commander (known by many MTG vets as Elder Dragon Highlander or EDH) and me playing around with the TF2 replay editor.

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