
The Post-Summer Camp Sale Post or: "Holy Crap, Terraria is Fun!"

My Summer Camp Achievement Box
Now that the Steam Summer Camp Sale is over, I'm able to take a look back at all the games I've played and all the sweet freebies and other awesome games I picked up.

First off, I like this new way Valve is doing in regards with major sales. The Steam Treasure Hunt was fun as hell, and this is just a better version of that same promotion. In this case, I picked up what probably amounted in at least $25-30 in free DLC and full games, while rediscovering hidden gems and rediscovering what it means to have fun (like with Poker Night at the Inventory)

One such game is Terraria, which to me looked like a shitty 2D Minecraft clone. This was the original reason for me to pass the game by and continue to look for more entertaining venues (Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood was one such entertaining venue, which I'm glad I played). Well, I had a copy of Terraria gifted to me, and, well.... it's incredible. I love just going around creating awesome shit all while dodging zombies, slimes and other incredible enemies. You think Creepers are the worst things to deal with in Minecraft, check out the motherfucking Eater of Worlds. This guy will fuck your shit. Seriously.

Anyways, here's a picture of my floating death yacht. The floors are made from hellstone bricks, which can only be mined at the very lowest levels of the World, commonly referred to as Hell.

Floating a mile or so above the ground, my battlecruiser of death will kill most visitors that have not made proper trips to Hell.
I love the soundtrack that this game uses, and it's hard not to hum along with the day and nighttime tracks as your in game day progresses.

Anyway, back to more Terraria.

1 comment:

Androo said...

Having no money for the sales sucks, luckily Ramen was gifted Super Meat Boy, so I can play that at least.